We're broke, We give everything away free, and we do everything ourselves. So if you want to help us out, we will take help in any way. Here's some ideas we had:

1. If you have any ideas, or recommendations let us know, we don't bite, we're glad to hear from you.

2. If you have any friends that would dig our tunes, let them know. Feel free to burn copies of our CD we send out to the mailing list, just write "Soul of the River" on them. If you would like some copies for your friends let us know and we'll mail them to you. Ouremail is webmaster (the @ symbol) souloftheriver.com ( I can't spell it out correctly because spammer programs find it and spam me.

3. If you're going to a show of a band that sounds like us and you want to hand out CD's afterwards to promote us, let us know and we'll send you a stack.

4. If you have a buddy, family member, evil twin, that works at a radio station, internet radio, podcast, club, record label, Writer for a Magazine, Newspaper, Blog or School Paper, or someone with a company that is looking for jingles or a band to sponsor for commercials or whatever, let them know about us. We're broke. Really broke.

5. We'll be glad to provide the background music to your youtube video, or your major motion picture.

6. Make us a YouTube Video.

7. And last but not least, tell your friends on myspace, facebook, twitter etc about us.

8. Oh and most importantly let us know if you do help us, so we will know how awesome you are. We have had an overwhelming response to our music, but alot of you live far from Southern California. We wonder who you are. We wish we could get to know you all and hang out, so write us and tell us hello. We'll start touring after the album in released so we might get to finally meet some of you.

9. Below are some widgets you can use to play our tunes/videos etc. on your blog, webpage, myspace, whatever.